This dial is based on our design RD7 featured on the designs page.
The dial now 'reads' from the south and a curved Equation of Time has been used.

Shown here with a filigree A gnomon
Note how the gnomon makes a low angle with the dial face as this sundial was made for 27º South
You can add a motto of your choice.......the one shown here is
Light and shadow by turns but love always
Above is design RD7 with curved Equation of Time. Includes motto and dedication
diameter 200mm..... £190.00
diameter 250mm.... £270.00
diameter 300mm.... £370.00

RD7 with both summer and winter hours and addition of compass rose.
Winter and summer solstice and equinox marked on the Equation of Time.
Diameter 200mm......£240.00
Diameter 250mm......£320.00